Month: 3 - September 21, 2014
Height: 23 inches (this is from me trying to stretch her out and measure her myself! ha)
Weight: 10lbs 5oz (this is also a guess.. I weighed myself, and then held her and weighed.)
Diaper Size: She's officially in size 1!
Clothes Size: Sigh. Still mostly in newborn. I can say that the super tiny newborn are tight on her now, so we have retired those. There are about 3 or 4 of her 0-3 month onesies she can wear though, woohoo!
Sleep: Still doing awesome here. She goes to bed between 9:30 & 10pm, and then wakes up anywhere from 5-7am. She wakes up, eats, and goes right back to sleep though. No matter what time her first wake up is, she always sleeps until around 8-9am for her last stretch and then is up for a bit after that. I would say her most typical night is 10pm-7am, eats, and then back down until 9am. Last night though she did 9:30pm-8:15am.. woohoo! I've heard of a 4 month sleep regression some babies have, but since she started sleeping all night at 7 1/2 weeks and kept it up, I'm hoping this won't happen! I'll let you know! :)
Eat: This girl just does not like to eat. Average is every 3 hours during the day and still anything from 2-4 oz. Most common is 3 oz. Around 20 oz total on a good day.
Likes: Chewing on her hands! Good lord this baby can not keep them out of her mouth!! (yuck!) Being held, and moving. She has to be bouncing or moving most of the time.. JUST like her daddy!!! She also LOVES to stare at the TV, which I'm sure is bad.. oops.
Dislikes: Her car seat, being hot, tummy time, and not getting her way! hmmm
Firsts: She now grabs her toys and will hold them forever and try to chew on them. Also, she is doing really good with her boppy pillow and tummy time.. that is when we can get her to do it without screaming! haha
Extra Updates: Nothing too different going on this month. Still my sweet little baby. She had lots of visitors this month, and gets a bit overwhelmed with all the extra activity. She is used to mainly just mommy and daddy, so I think it throws her off being around so many people and staying busy. Now that the visitors are done for awhile, I will be able to do some more events with my Mom's Group and get her out and around more babies. We have a few things planned this week, so hopefully she does good! :)
Happy 3 months little lady!!!!
SHE IS SO FLIPPING CUTE!! :-p Happy 3 months cutie! - Trisha