Thursday, May 23, 2013

Self Tanner 101

So I have tried MANY self tanners and there are definitely some good, and some BAD.  First, one of my number one things when searching for a self tanner is the smell issue. I absolutely hate the smell of home self tanner. I always apply mine at night since I do hate the smell and can't imagine wearing it all day, plus I feel like most have a weird sticky feel.  But then I do not like to wake up in the middle of the night from the smell getting worse and worse as it sets in.  Also, my husband is quite the complainer when he wakes up smelling like a spray tan, ha! The other big factor is obviously color, the orange look is not cute.  I try to find ones that blend well, and have a nice "natural" tan. I probably can't even remember all I have used, but I will list ones I remember loving.. and not so much.  Without a doubt getting a professional spray tan is the way to go- always even look, fully covered, and minimal smell.  I have never used the booths, but always have a person spray me.  These are going to be more expensive, but very convenient.  One session runs about $25-$30, but most places have package deals.  Here I purchase 4 for $80, and since I am so lazy with going, this lasts me awhile.  I know you might think it would be extremely awkward, but it's really not near as bad as it seems.  You can wear anything from a bathing suit, just bottoms, or nothing at all.  I don't feel the need to tan EVERYTHING, so I do wear bottoms.  All the places I have been are very professional- the girl is looking at the tan she is spraying, not really AT you.  I would go more towards a spa/hair salon spa that does them versus a tanning place that just sells them for super cheap. I have never been to anywhere but a spa, but I have seen others and I feel you get what you pay for!

For the home tanners, I have used the lotions and sprays.  My only problem with sprays is also one I have with the sunscreens, they run out SO fast.  I do think the sprays don't have as bad of a smell and go on a lot more even, but they are harder to do yourself.  Luckily Lance will give me an "at home spray tan".  I do admit, I get scared every time he does it but he did reassure me, "I have painted a house with a sprayer, I can do a silly spray tan". Hmmm! haha  I will say he has done a pretty good job the few times he has done it. :)

Now for the reviews..

Nature's Gate-- As I said smell is huge for me.  Well when I found this on Amazon (my go to store!) I was very excited because every one's reviews were all about the great smell.  Now this one is a little strange.  The first few times I used it, the smell wasn't bad! It was a weird lemon cake smell.  I am not sure if because I didn't use it fast enough or what, but when I went to use it once after a few weeks the smell was HORRIBLE.  I think this one might be good if you buy it and use it quickly, but not sure what really happened here.  The color was just OK to me even though the reviews rave of a perfect tan, so it wasn't a big loss to chunk the half used bottle.  I did like that it was made with more natural ingredients.  I wouldn't say don't get it, just be prepared the smell might change drastically. This one is always very well priced.  The bottle pictured below is only $11.19 on Amazon.

Jergen's Natural Glow--  This is a double review.  I have used this in the past and I did really like the fact that the tan wasn't instant, in case you did make some errors.  The color always worked good for me and would even out as the days when on, BUT- the smell was awful.  When I recently saw this advertised as "New and Improved.. No smell!" I just had to try it.  I must say, good job Jergen's! So far, so good. When you first put it on, there is a slight fragrance smell and then once it settles in, you start to get the slight "self tanner smell" but nothing crazy. I just throw on some pj pants and a long sleeve shirt and it holds it in!  I do get there will be somewhat of a smell, but I can not handle the over powering ones.. at all.  I am currently using this on my legs every few days and really like it.  The color is not really a "deep" tan, but more of taking away my stark white look.  I think this will turn orange if you use it too often, so I wouldn't go crazy.  In my opinion, this is best if you want to give yourself some color but not a crazy tan.  There are different shades, so the darker versions might be different.  I am always scared to use those again my lovely white glow! lol  These normally run around $8 or so at Target, Walmart, etc.

Banana Boat, Deep Dark Color--  This I was recommended by a friend, and this definitely is one of the best color wise.  One thing I really like about this tanner is the fact it goes on dark so you can see exactly where it is going and if you are putting it on even.  I think the only thing that really bothered me about this was, shocker, the smell.  I haven't used it in awhile, but I think it was just about average on the stink factor.  This does come in a smaller container so I remember it running out fairly quickly.   I would rank this one of my favorites color wise. Lotions are always a bit tricky, so I have kind of ventured away from them lately.  The whole washing your hands quickly after without streaking them, or your arms, is not very fun. Plus, one thing about lotions I don't like is how long they take to dry.  It's not easy standing around trying to avoid weird creases waiting on this stuff to dry.  This one is also very reasonable priced, around the same, or a little cheaper, than Jergen's.

Product Image

Now I will move on to my top 2, which both happen to be sprays.  Both of these have to be bought at salons, or online. 

Playboy, Glitz--  Now, I was a little thrown off at first since this is "Playboy" brand, but my hair salon back home highly recommended it. I think I paid around $20 for it, and that is about what you can find it online for.  This was a very good color and went on great. My only complaint was this bottle ran out FAST.  I'm not sure if since I used this one myself, I was spraying more into the air than on my actual body or what.  The smell wasn't bad and it has a great dark, but natural, color.  I did look for it recently online and it was a bit hard to find, so I am not sure if they still make it or what the deal it. If you can find it, I would recommend this one highly!

Product Image

Toma's Airbrush Spray--  This is one I currently have and LOVE.  This bottle is around $15 and great.  It doesn't smell, goes on even, and is a wonderful color.  Another thing that I noticed is when this one starts to fade on your skin, it just gradually goes away.  It does not leave you with the blotchy diseased look like almost all tanners do.  I also picked this up at my hair salon back home to take with me on my honeymoon. (of course I was too lazy to use it then and just got paler and paler as the trip when on! ha)  One complaint, the spray is very hard to push down and is a little awkward when spraying since you are working so hard to get it out.  Not good when your husband is wrestling with it and gives you a big brown blob right in your forehead (yes, this happened). I would say to do a few practice sprays into the air to get the hang of the sprayer first.  This one has surprisingly lasted a few uses, and feels like it has quite a bit left.  This would be my #1 recommendation on sprays.  This is also on Amazon for around $15.

Toma's Airbrush Spray - 7 oz.

As you can see, I am one to try and find a good deal on these since in the summer you will use it a lot.  I know there are tons of wayyyy more expensive ones out there at Sephora and other places like that.  I do agree the same applies here as professional ones- you get what you pay for, BUT I also know you can find a good product for cheaper and make it look good as look as you know somewhat what you are doing.  I recently ordered a new one from Groupon that I have heard a lot about- Fake Bake.  This one comes with an applicator mit, which I have never used.  I have heard this is a good brand, so I am excited to get it in and give it a try. I've also heard St Tropez is very good, so if you are willing to spend a little extra on your trial and error, I would look into that one.   These are only a few of the ones I have tried, but the other's weren't really anything special or were just a waste of my time and money.

As I mentioned before, I do have VERY sensitive skin so I never put the lotions on my face, I will only use the sprays on them.  They work really good and never irritate it or break me out.  Some people might be ok applying the lotions on their face, but they are very greasy as well as full of chemicals.  I can't use the lotions too often because it does irritate my skin some, but I have never had an issue with the at home sprays or professional.

Some TIPS when using self tanner-  Never rub dry after a shower, only pat down! Lather up in lotion daily because it makes the tan last soooo much longer, and don't use body wash that exfoliates or has fragrance because it strips the tans quickly.  The one thing that stinks about spray tan and the beach.. the ocean will take it right off, sadly!

I hope this helps and once again, pass on any recommendations you may have! :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Some of my top Sunscreen picks!

Now with sunscreens I haven't tried TOO many, just because once I get to the ones I like, I stick with them!  Last year I used the Banana Boat Sport and I really liked this one when I was going to be outside all day and in the sun a lot.  It does have that thicker sunscreen feel to it, but because of the sport it doesn't get all slimy when you start to sweat, which in the summer that is definitely going to happen!! I noticed it wasn't near as greasy as a regular sunscreen and went on a little smoother.  I have read many articles about sunscreens, skin cancer, etc and found out that when they do the tests on sunscreens to determine how strong they are and how long they last, the application is lathered on very thick.  With this being said, I don't think most people want to goop it on as thick as the "testers" do, so I would say to always reapply about half the time the bottle says just to be safe.  That way you are not a slimy mess, but still are protected. Most say about 80 minutes, so I would say every 45 minutes or so when in constant sunlight.  With this being said, that is if you want 100% protection with no sun exposure/damage.  I am sure most "Sport" versions are close to the same, but this is just the one I used and really liked the pump bottle.

I have been on the hunt for a daily sunscreen to wear if I am just going to randomly be out and about, but not really sitting in the sun.  This was a bit more tricky because I did not want the suncreen "feel" at all.  Just something that went on lightly, but still protected.  I actually just bought this last week and so far, so good!  It's the Banana Boat Protect and Hydrate 2 in 1.  I normally get around SPF 50 in everything because I have read that anything over that really is about the same strength. I got this one as a Buy 1 get 1 Free which works out perfect for me.  I wanted one to keep at work so I could put a new coat on my arms before leaving work since I have about a 45min-hour commute home.  I know most people aren't going to be as "extreme" as I am with the sunscreen, but sadly if you do the research it says that everyone should be this cautious because even those work commutes in the car can cause some pretty bad damage without you even realizing it.  No matter what your level of caution is though, it's always good to hear about some different products out there!  The smell in this one isn't too strong either.   I like to put a little layer of regular smelly lotion over it just to cover up that sunscreen smell some if I am just using it for my daily wear.

When it comes to the beach, I will either use sport, or just the regular ole sunscreen that I find on sale.  You are going to be a sweaty mess out there anyways, so I don't think there will be a noticable difference when it comes to that.  I would say that "name brand" versus the "store brand" is going to be the same safety wise.  They are not going to make something that works any less that it says, no matter what the brand.  The only difference you will find is the quality of how it settles in your skin.  I must say I am not a fan of the mists for many reasons.  It runs out VERY fast, and the few I have tried have been SLIMY! Not a fan.  I only tried maybe 3 though, so there most definitely could be a good one out there somewhere.

Now for my face, I do go the more expensive route and get ones that are just for the face.  I have CRAZY sensitive skin, especially on my face.  If I put regular sunscreen on it, within a few seconds it burns like fire and my face is blood red, not cute!! I recently picked up a Neutrogena sensitive skin, oil free sunscreen for the face, that also came with an SPF lip balm (also a very important must have). This was about $10 for a small bottle.  I haven't used this one, but am hoping it will be a good match for my skin.  I will let you know after my FL trip that begins in 11 dayyyys! Woohoo! :)  Depending on how it goes on, I might start using it in my daily routine.  I have very oily skin, so it is hard for me to use any moisturizers on my face.  Currently I use Philosophy's Hope in a Jar SPF 30, and then try to get foundations that have an SPF as well.  The SPF in foundation is not very strong though, so you can't rely soley on that. 

So as much as I love my Philosophy products, these items are not cheap.  This little 2oz tube is around $40.  BUT, you only have to use a tiny amount so it does last a very long time.  Like I said before, I have crazy sensitive skin, so once I find a product I like, I will stick with it.  I am tempted to look for a cheaper product but I have wasted so much money searching, I don't look forward to that.  If anyone else has oily, sensitive skin and has a good facial daily sunscreen, please let me know!!  I do only use this in my daily routine and not when out in the sun at the beach, pool, etc where I have to constantly reapply since it is so expensive.

Those are the main products I have found to love so far in my search.  Most importantly always remember to add a BIG, cute floppy hat when outdoors.  Not only are these a nice accessory, they protect your scalp which gets forgotten in sun protection.  They are also a great guard for your face as well.  

If anyone would like to share any of their favorite sunscreens or tips, please feel free.  I am ALWAYS on the hunt for the next best thing that I haven't heard of. Especially if it's a cheaper version! :)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Pale skin = Healthy Skin, My Story.

So yes, I used to be a SUPER tanner back in the day.  I would "only" tan during the summer months so I figured it wasn't too bad. I would use the tanning bed and then lay out hard core on our beach trips.  I was silly to not be more cautious since skin cancer runs in my family, but I just hoped I had my mom's skin! Well I FINALLY started listening to all the many, many articles in my magazines about how absolutely horrible the tanning bed is for you and how many young girls were dying from skin cancer.  I finally got the realty that what I was doing was very bad.  I stopped tanning 3 summers ago in 2010 and just switched to self tanners (which I have tried them ALL. Will definitely do a different blog on those soon!)

Fast forward a year a half after I stopped tanning.  It was Feb 2012 and I went to my derm here in NC about this pesky little red dot (about the size of a pencil eraser) on my temple that just wouldnt go away and would randomly bleed just a tiny bit when washing my face.  He looked at it and right away said, "Oh yea, I am positive that's basal cell skin cancer."  Wait..WHAT?!?!?  For those of you that don't know, I am an INSANE hypochondriac. To the point I let Google give me a full blown panic attack that results in tears and Lance telling me I am insane and he is going to break my phone if I don't get off, haha.  So the doctor cut the piece off to send for test and yep, one week later I got the call that is was indeed skin CANCER and I needed an out patient SURGERY to make sure they got it all.  The doctor reassured me this was the "good" kind if you are going to get it, and once it's gone from that spot, it's gone.  I was definitely freaked out, but assumed the surgery would just be to remove a bit more, and since I had had quite a few spots removed in the past, wasn't too worried about that part. BOY WAS I WRONG.  This tiny spot on my temple turned into them digging out a hole that was about the size of a LARGE marble to test that it was all gone.   I will spare you the pictures I have, but it was not pretty.  Then I had stiches all the way across my temple into my scalp.  Thank goodness I had an amazing surgeon, and you can barely see the spot that was so gruesome at the time of surgery.  The surgeon I had was different than my regular derm, and let's just say he was VERY stern with me being careful in the future and yes- made me cry.  I know what's done in the past is done, so all I can do is be extra careful in the future.  I consider myself lucky that is was just basal cell, and pray everyday that I will not get anything worse.  I am definitely not in the clear since most damage takes years to show up, but I get 6 month on the dot check ups to scan for anything suspicious.  I am also constantly checking my self and harassing poor Lance to see if he sees any "cancer" on me!

I write this post because I hope that someone will read it and realize that being tan is not everything, especially more important than what I went through, or what people who have it way worse have gone through. Yes, being tan looks "better" and can make you look skinnier, but SPRAY TAN is the way to go!! I am just hoping one day they don't come out and say the chemicals in that have been eating away at my skin! haha  With all kidding aside, please friends.. do NOT use the tanning bed or spend too much time in the sun.  I now wear sunscreen constantly outside, and when in it long periods, try to always be covered up in a hat and protective clothing.  I will not only avoid tanning beds, but also will be avoiding the sun just because of my history.

As I mentioned before, I have used so many self tanners, and also sunscreens.  I will be making posts on reviews for those to help hopefully persuade people to do the same in using them.  I know most people who read this will think it won't happen to them, but guess what I used to think? The statistics are scary.. just a few times in the tanning bed can raise your risk 90% in getting skin cancer. You can't use the excuse, 'oh I just tan a few times before special events' because scary news flash- THAT IS JUST AS BAD AS ALL THE TIME.  I would much rather be pastey, look a bit bigger and uneven, that ever go through what I did again.  I know it is highly likely I could, and probably will, get more basal cell spots in the future, but I can still help prevent something worse from happening.

I share this story now because at the time it wasn't really something I wanted to blast all over social media because it was terrifying.  It still is now, but with summer coming I want people to know there is a reason behind my anti sun/tanning bed comments. Please, please be careful.  Your 80 year old self with be thankful. :)

And remember, pale skin is HEALTHY skin!!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday (5/8)

Happy Wednesday everyone! I know I was slacking the past few weeks, but so much as been going on and my blog was a bit forgotten.

This week I am definitely loving my best friend Lexie's new baby boy, Harber! I am so sad that I can not be there to love on him and get to know him right away.  I spent so much time with Canion as a baby watching him grow, and hate I won't get the same experience with Harber.  Sadly, pictures and FaceTime will have to hold me over until I can get home and get my hands on that little cutie.  I am so excited for Lexie and Zack as their family grows.  It's amazing how much our lives have changed over the past few years and I am so thankful that we get to share these milestones together, even 11 hours apart.  These are definitely the times I miss being just a short drive away!  I am so excited to watch little Harber grow, and see Canion with his new little brother.  I can't wait for all the joint family vacations in the future! :)

Here's one of my favorite pictures of the new little guy!

Canion with his new brother. :)

**Pictures borrowed from Lexie :)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Blast from the Past - 90's TV

So this weekend I had a little blast from the past as Family Matters was on TV.  I get so excited to catch old shows from my childhood.  It got me thinking about all the good shows I used to watch when I was younger. One of my all time favorite shows is the Golden Girls.  I love how TV Land and the Hallmark channel still play episodes all weekend.  Yes, I do own the box set of the whole series, but I still love finding it on TV.  I decided to get on Google and find some of my favorites- apparently I watched A LOT of TV as a child! haha  I know I am forgetting some, or just didn't watch some that might have been popular, but here is a little collage of (in my opinion) some of the best. I am not even going to try and list all the ones from Nickalodeon that I watched, as that would be wayyy more! ha  I must admit, I am guilty of being a reality TV junkie, but I sure do miss these silly shows from the past about friendships and family.

What are some of your favorites?!?
