Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Ivor - 18 Months

Well poor second kid and I am a little over a month and a half late writing this, but holy moly.. how are you 18+ months? I can't believe the holidays are almost here, which means you will be turning 2 shortly after!! I feel like we JUST found out I was pregnant.

Back at your 18 month appointment you were 30.5inches tall and 22lbs.  You are still considered a little peanut at 7%, but still well above what big sis stays at.  In fact, now you are around 23/24lbs according to our scale and Tilly is still staying steady at 29lbs ha!  You wear mostly 18mo clothes, but can still wear a lot of your 12mo tshirts that run longer.

Some highlights from the past 6 months since your 12 month update:

 At 1 year you still only had your bottom 2 teeth, but sloooowly over the last 6 months you got all of the front 8 and now all 4 molars are about halfway out.  Thank goodness you have always been a champ with teething and never have made a big fuss or ever woken up from it.

Your vocabulary is picking up daily and you talk non stop just like your sister.  I don't even know how many words/phrases you say at this point.  100?? ha! The sweetest thing is lately you are constantly thanking us for everything and say "thank you mama!" all day long.  I love it! You also love to walk around and point us all out "Mama! Dada! Tilly!"

You know a ton of your body parts and can point them out, but your favorite to point to on us is teeth, eyes, and nose.  You especially love to jab me in the eye while yelling out EYE!!! You also know a few shapes, but really have no interest in anything shape or color wise at this point.  I am learning with each day the difference between you and your sister and things you liked/wanted to do at the same ages.

You finally took some steps a little after your first birthday, but didn't full blown walk until somewhere in the 13 month mark.  Now you just run non stop all day. You are go go go from the second you wake up. You are the true definition of a rough and tough little boy, that's for sure!

Around 14 months we had an allergy scare with peanuts, and that was not fun for anyone.  One night after eating peanut butter, you had a full blown crazy bright red rash all around your mouth and all over your body. Thank goodness there were no breathing issues and you didn't even notice.  After a skin test (which showed a small bump) and then a blood test (that was traumatic) we learned your level was soooo small, its not even considered a true allergy.  They noticed you had an ear infection (first one in our family.. and mommy didn't even know you had one!) and assume your lowered immune system with the small level triggered a reaction.  A few hundred dollars and lots of tears later, you are fine and have had peanut butter a million times since with no problem.


Sleep wise I am still sooo thankful you love sleep like big sis! Your bedtime is still 6:30 (though some nights you roll around and babble for up to an hour) and sleep until sometime in the 7 oclock hour.  Naps are from 1pm-3/4pm.

Around 6 months old we took the paci during the day, but you continued to sleep with it.  At 17 months, you spent the weekend with grandma while we went out of town and thankfully she cut it cold turkey for us with no issues. BUT once you got home, you decided to freak out and cry every sleep time when I didn't give it to you.  Thankfully I stayed strong and stuck with my cold turkey parenting approach on things, and the paci stayed gone.  After about 2 weeks you finally stopped crying.  Luckily you only cried about 5 min each time and it never once messed with your length of sleep.. because I sure was nervous!

Oh, and you've had about 30 haircuts by this point! lol

Things you LOVE:
Eating.. oh my gosh. I hear EAT! EAT! all day long. You are a eating machine!  You also LOOOVE TV.  I don't know if this is a good or bad thing, ha! Second kid... you're fine! You absolutely love Mickey Mouse and get so excited when you see it.  Some of your favorite toys are cars, books, blocks and you are very, very into legos and puzzles.  You can sit and do the same puzzles over and over and over.  Elmo is another favorite toy and character of yours. You also love being outside and exploring and pushing around all our bikes and toy cars.   We recently started baby gym with you, and its so cute how much you already are such a fan and so into the routine there.  It is definitely nice to have somewhere to take you to let out all your energy and love of climbing. Speaking of climbing.. that is 100% one of your top favorite things.  You are a true wild little boy.  You also love to dig in trash cans, throw stuff away you shouldn't, open cabinets and pull out stuff, unlock and open the dishwasher, pull all towels down, pull out every toy you can find and throw them all over the place, try to get the ipad or my phone, throw down ceramic coasters, break your sisters toys, and basically anything else to drive me nuts! :) Your number one favorite thing is probably still Tilly, you love that big sis to death.. even though she can be so mean to you! ha

With all that being said, you are the sweetest little boy ever and love to snuggle on mama and give kisses and big hugs. You really are so sweet and just so much fun.  Our little Ivor was the best addition to our family and we love you SO much!

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