Thursday, May 21, 2015

Tilly - 11 Months

 Months 1-6
Months 7-11
And here we are already at Month 11!
And what most of the pictures looked like..


Month: 11 - May 21, 2015

Height: No doctor appointment again this month to check

Weight:  My guess is maybe around 17lbs?

Diaper Size:  Size 3

Clothes Size:  Well just a few nights ago I went to put her PJs on and all of a sudden she was too long for them! So 12 month footed PJ's, but can wear 9 month 2 pieces.  Regular clothes (tops/shorts/rompers) are a mix of 9 & 12 month, and then dresses range from 3 month to 12 month! ha

Teeth:  Still just the 2 bottom middle

Sleep:  Bumped back again and is down most nights by 7, then not sure when she wakes up exactly because she just sits and plays, but I get her between 7:30-8am.  Still morning nap around 9:30/10 that's normally an hour and a half, and then afternoon nap around 2/3pm that can range from 30 minutes up to an hour and a half.

Eat:  Same ole, same ole.  Around 4 bottles a day, and 3 meals.  Pretty much off baby food, unless I am in a hurry. Her top favs are avocado, turkey kielbasa, any kind of pasta, vanilla yogurt, grilled cheese, and ice cream.

Likes:  Moving and grooving! She is constantly "talking" all day long.  She still loves sitting up in the cart people watching.. Oh, and she loves giving kisses-  it's too cute! I'll say, Give mommy kiss! and she turbo grins and smashes into me.  I love it! 

She recently started loving stuffed animals.  We keep one in her crib now (her picture elephant) and she snuggles it all night! She'll sit and talk and play with it forever in the morning until I go get her.


She loves getting into anything and everything she isn't supposed to! She is a magnet towards things she shouldn't have. Definitely keeps me on my toes all day long.

She also LOVES to have her leg propped up if she's strapped into something- Cart, High Chair, Stroller.. it doesn't matter what.  It's so funny!

Lastly, this baby LOVES to dance! She loves music and is always moving and twisting her body side to side, or bouncing up and down.  She can get down!!

Dislikes: .  I can happily say she has done soooo good with strangers lately. Quite a few people she had never met have held her and she was perfectly fine.  We are going to VA this weekend to see Lance's family, so we will see how she does with traveling on top of being around a lot of people she doesn't know well. Wish us luck!

Firsts:  We had our first Mother's Day together and had a blast.  You can read that post HERE.

Extra Updates:  She is still just standing on her own in open areas, but walks like crazy with her little push walker and along the couch.  She will stand flat footed, but only walks on her tippy toes.  She loves saying Mama and Dada now and gets SO excited when Lance gets home.  As soon as I hear him pull up, I say- Daddy's home!! And she immediately starts bouncing saying Dadadadada. 

Everyday I look at her and see her slowly turning into a toddler.  I can't believe how big she is getting and how fast this year has flown by.  Her birthday party is June 13 (a week early because of Lance's work schedule) which means we will be celebrating in just 3 short weeks! ah! Where has the time gone?! 

Here are a few of my favorites from this month, along with a sneak peek of birthday fun! Her theme is Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.. I can't wait to see it all come together!!

With her BFF Stella at their gym class






Happy 11 Months Silly Tilly!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. aww I love seeing all the pictures together and seeing how she is getting bigger than her elephant! She is growing so fast! -Trisha
