Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tilly - 2 Months

No sad blooper pictures this month.. we had NO tears during our little photo session! :)
***Again, this month is a bit late, but I was waiting on her doctor's appointment.***

Month: 2 - August 21, 2014

Height: 22 3/4 inches.. her height spiked again, raising her percentile!

Weight: 9lbs 5oz.  We have a super skinny, super long baby! I was a bit worried about what her weight would be since she doesn't really eat a lot at all, but thank goodness the doctor said she is fine and is moving right along in her growth chart.  She said some babies are just light eaters and as long as she's peeing a ton (she is!), and happy (always) then she is fine.  Whew!

Diaper Size: She's basically inbetween newborn and 1's.  Walmart brand Newborns are actually the perfect fit, and even though I don't really like the quality of them.. they work for now until she is bigger.

Clothes Size:  Still rocking the Newborn.  None of this girl's wardrobe is going to be in season. Also still stuck with her newborn footless pj's since she won't stop growing up and down, but not out to fit into her 0-3 month gowns or pj's.

Sleep:  AMAZING! At 7 1/2 weeks exactly she started sleeping through the night and hasn't looked back since.  She averages around 10/10:30pm until about 7, sometimes 8am.  She gets up, eats, and back to sleep for another 2 or so hours. Mama is LOVING this!! :)

Eat: Still so random. Every 2-3 hours she will eat anywhere from 2-4oz.   I am lucky if I can ever get 4oz out of her. I would say 2.5 to 3oz a feeding is common.

Likes:  Smiling, playing with mommy and daddy, being held to sit up straight so she can look around, snuggles, and sleeping!

Dislikes:  Tummy time, not getting her way, and shots, boo!

Firsts:  She started staring actually AT us this past month and being able to focus.  She is pretty much smiling and cooing ALL the time. She is trying so hard to laugh. She loves being propped on our legs facing us and playing.  She also started sleeping through the night, which I mentioned above, and also her first trip to Target.  Of course she loved it! :)

Extra Updates:  Soooo much better this month. I would say I almost have a different baby from last month. Once we switched her to 100% formula and the Gerber Soothe Drops, she became the happiest baby ALL the time.  The doctor said it sounds like she might of had a small soy allergy, and since it's basically in everything, that's why she was so upset and hurting with breast milk. Sorry I tortured you for 5 weeks, oops!  She now has 0 signs of colic, minimal spit up (still have to hold her up after feedings and she gets crazy hiccups if she lays flat.. along with some pouring out her formula if on her back, but all very manageable now), and so calm.  When she's awake now she just sits and stares around or either wants to play.  She is still a typical 2 month old, so if she's hot or bored she'll get fussy from time to time, but for the most part she is great.  She went from week 3-5 being so stressful, to actually being a very easy baby! She is so sweet and I can't imagine ever not having her.  She is the cutest, best baby in the whole world! (I would definitely say that even if she wasn't mine.. haha) I will say, she is a little diva already so who knows what's to come as she gets older! :)

We just got home from her 2 month shots and goodness, it was sad. She let out the loudest, longest cry I have ever heard. Thank goodness as soon as I picked her up and held her, she calmed down. I immediately gave her a bottle to help soothe her, and she is still zonked out.  I am about to go pick her up once I publish this and have a long day of Mommy and Tilly snuggles.

Another note- As you maybe can tell from the pictures, we have a WHITE baby. No Filipino from her daddy got through at all. She got my skin tone 100%, and also along with that my sensitive skin. I use almost all hypoallergenic products (shaving cream, laundry detergent, lotions, etc). She gets little red bumps on her skin and the doctor said it's just from the sensitive skin, so no worries.. just she is basically me made over. Sorry Tilly! haha 

So overall month 2 has been GREAT and she is moving right along! :) :)  A week from Saturday my parents are coming in town for a week and Ms. Tilly is going to have her first beach trip!!! Then Sept 19, Sarah & Lauren are flying in to visit for the weekend.  She also got to meet some of her great-grandparents the past few days, along with recently meeting some of my old co-workers, some of Lance's co-workers, and Lance's cousin and family.  She has been a popular lady!! We are both so excited for all of our upcoming visitors and adventures this coming month!

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