Month: 10 - December 26, 2017
Height: No check this month
Weight: 18.4lbs - 11%
(we had a quick office visit this month so they went ahead and did his weight. He now weighs well past what Tilly did at her 1 year check up! haha!)
Clothes Size: 9 Months but I need to start getting 12 months. Some things are getting snug and his PJ arms are getting short!
(we had a quick office visit this month so they went ahead and did his weight. He now weighs well past what Tilly did at her 1 year check up! haha!)
Diaper Size: 3 for daytime (I think we may need to bump up soon.. another fun fact: Tilly never wore past a size 4, ha!) and 4 in his nighttime diapers. Thanks to everyone on Facebook who suggested switching to Huggies for his night time leaks. They seemed to have helped TONS!
Sleep: He sleeps so much! I really was thinking he slept more than Tilly did at this age, so I went back to check.. and yep, his naps are way longer! He sleeps 6:30pm until anywhere from 7-8am. Then he takes 2 naps and most of the time one is well past the 2 hour mark and the other is 1-2hours. I am basically stuck home most days because this boy sleeps so much! I guess this is a way better "problem" to have over a kid who never sleeps.
Eat: He loves food! Still takes 4 bottles, though he likes to fight the middle 2. He now eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner with no "baby food" anymore. His favorite foods so far are- blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, banana, pancakes, bread, green beans, peas, pasta, cheese, grilled cheese, meatballs, and the baby "cheeto"snacks. His number one favorite though is the same as Tilly's.. avocado! He can eat a whole one in about 2-3minutes.