Thursday, March 30, 2017

Ivor - 1 Month


I forgot how hard these pics are to take! This was the best I could get.  Oh, and here are a few bloopers below to see what 99% of them looked like! haha!


Month: 1 - March 26, 2017

Height: 21.5 inches - Side note, when both Ivor and Tilly were born, the hospital marked their height way more than what the doctor said at their first appointment.. so weird! So as of now the doctor is just now saying he is as tall as they said he was at the hospital.

Weight: 9lbs 6 oz (66%) This little guy was already back past his birth weight by his 1 week appointment (which made him 7lbs 3oz (7%) then) and he just shot up! Big sister is only 22/23lbs right now at almost 3, so I have a feeling he is going to catch up to her very quickly.. too funny!!

Diaper Size: 1

Clothes Size:  He is definitely too big for almost all newborn, except the ones that run really big.  The problem is most 0-3mo are quite a bit bigger than newborn, so he's that weird in between size where even though newborn is too small, 0-3mo is too big.  Clothing size is so annoying!

Sleep:  This guy LOVES to sleep.  He still sleeps about 90% of his day.  At night for the past week or so he had be eating and going to sleep around 10:30pm and then sleeping until 3am and then 6/7am.  The past 2 days he backtracked some and started eating and going to sleep a tiny bit earlier around 10pm, but then doing his short stretch first and waking at 1:15am and then stretching the last half until 5:30/6am.  Pretty much we are still in that newborn phase of no set schedule, but thankfully most night stretches go 4-5 hours for average.

Eat:  He definitely loves to eat, but I have no clue on ounces like I tracked with Tilly since we are breastfeeding this time.  He eats what I mentioned above at night, and then during the day mostly does 3 hour stretches until night time.  Then he gets his fussy "wants to eat and be held time constantly phase" and will kind of eat on and off most evenings from about 7/8 until bedtime.  Luckily he is a very fast eater and is done within 15min max with the 2 sides combined. He's an in and out kind of guy! Average is about 10 minutes per "meal time" ha.

Likes:  Eat, sleep, and snuggle!  And he is 100% a mama's boy and prefers me constantly. One other thing that he is different about than Tilly is he loves his pacifier! She never really took to one and I didn't ever push it since I didn't want something to have to take away later. Now since this guy loves it and it calms him, I'll deal with the take away part later!

Dislikes:  Being changed.. whew! This guy does not like his diaper changed... and speaking of diapers, boy diapers are definitely a big change! I will take changing a girl diaper any day over a boy one.. eh.  He also doesn't like his car seat much at first, but luckily the car knocks him out and keeps him asleep even once we get out. 

Extra Updates: Everything is moving right along! He luckily doesn't seem to have the massive reflux puke like Tilly did, but he does spit up some here and there.  I think he might have a TINY bit of the reflux issue since as soon as he lays flat he gets really deep hiccups and the growling/grunting up his chest like she did.  For this reason, we've been using the rock n play again for night time sleep and I try to lay him flat  when I can for naps to get him somewhat used to it. I am hoping the symptoms stay minimal like they are. 

Even though he looked just liked Tilly at birth (and still has a lot of her baby features) I think he looks SO much like Lance.  And since Tilly looks just like me, I don't think our children will look too much a like as he gets older haha.  Speaking of Ms. Priss, even though her behavior is pretty testy and insane these days, she is doing great with him. She always wants to know where is and immediately starts bossing me around as to what I need to do to soothe him once he starts crying.  She is a great big sister!

It's so crazy to think we ever didn't have him around. On one hand I can not believe he is already a month old, but on the other it seems like a lifetime ago I had him.  It's so much fun having a sweet snugly little boy thrown in the mix and I can't wait to see his personality develop as he grows, and finally starts to wake up! haha  We love you Ivor!

And some pictures!!
One of my friends had her baby boy the day before us and we actually were put in rooms right beside each other. What a crazy coincidence!

Meeting her baby brother for the first time.

My brother, Jason, and his girlfriend, Claire, were able to come visit and meet their new nephew!

Already torturing my children with matching outfits!! haha!

and for fun....
Read Tilly's 1 Month HERE

Monday, March 6, 2017

Ivor's Birth Story

He's here! He's here!

Our sweet baby boy, Ivor Rowland, was born on Sunday, February 26, 2017 at 12:47pm. He weighed 7lbs 1oz and was 21.5inches long.


To start this story I'll go back some.  If you read Tilly's birth story (you can read it HERE), you may recall I had a pretty fast labor and delivery with her so I was a bit scared at what to expect this time with speed.  I had mentioned my concerns to my doctor and he said as long as I was showing some dilation then he felt comfortable inducing me anytime after 39weeks.  This way I would be at the hospital, Tilly would be with my mom, and there would be no mad dash.  As I got closer, I decided to make the induction date Friday, March 3.  This was only 3 days before my due date, but I really didn't want to be induced or rush things too soon, plus a weekend day worked best with Lance taking off work.  Each week I got more and more uncomfortable and Lance swore he was going to come early.

Saturday night, February 25, Lance and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary from our first date and had a sushi date planned like we had every year.  Tilly spent the night with my mom and off we went.  We had dinner, went to Walmart (the funny thing is I went to Walmart the day before I had Tilly too! ha), and then stopped by Sonic for some milkshakes.. real fancy folks! haha  We got home and I just did not feel good at all.  That night I took a shower and as I was drying my hair I said to Lance, "There is no way I am going to make it another week!" Boy was I right.

We went to sleep about midnight after finishing up a movie and around 1:30am I woke up having some bad pains. It was random contractions every now and then and they eventually stopped after around an hour.  We finally went back to sleep at 2:30am and within 2 hours, by 4:30am, I was woken up again by awful pains.  From then on the contractions never stopped, but were so random.  It would be 6 minutes apart, and then 10 minutes apart, and then 6 minutes again.. and then nothing for 20 minutes.  It was all over the place and I didn't know what to think.. but I was in A LOT of pain.  With Tilly my water broke immediately so there was no guessing.  Around 8:00am I told him let's eat something small and head to the hospital and just see what is happening.  At this point I had been in the bed all morning laying down, and as I stood up to get ready the pain and pressure exploded. I starting crying as we were getting ready to leave and Lance was flying through the house at top speed to get everything in the car.  By the time we got to the hospital around 9:30am I was dying.  Of course they take their sweet time with everything and it took about an hour for the on call doctor to check my dilation. I was just laying there sobbing in pain and was totally like the women in the movies who scream and cry each contraction.. it was horrific, yall.  By 10:30am they finally checked me and I was indeed in active labor and was 6cm.  At this point they again very sloooowly started the process to get me the epidural.  I was moved into my delivery room by 11am and finally got the epidural by 11:30am.  Thank goodness it kicked in right away.  Unfortunately it made my blood pressure tank and I got extremely nauseas as they had to keep giving me medicine to raise it.  30 minutes later around 12pm is when I finally felt back to "normal" and the doctor came in to break my water and check me.  I was 7cm dilated and she told me to relax and expect about an hour per centimeter on dilation... Well that sure didn't happen.  The nurse finished up some stuff in our room and at 12:15pm said she was going to leave us to rest and to call her if I felt any pressure. Well... about 15minutes later I felt EXTREME pressure and called her back. Yep, it was GO time! She called the doctor back in and it was time to push.  With only 3 contractions and pushes, this little guy made a fast and furious entrance just like big sister!  Apparently my body has zero patience with birthing these babies!!! haha  From when we arrived to the hospital to when I delivered was right at 3 hours, so thank goodness we went in when we did!

Ivor is the sweetest little boy and looks JUST like Tilly did as a baby. It is crazy.  Here is a side by side of their hospital pictures.

As of now he is a sleeping machine and is pretty much never awake more than a few minutes at a time. He has been doing some nice long stretches at night and I REALLY hope he picks up big sister's sleeping habits.  He is the complete opposite on eating though.  Tilly was always a bottle baby, whether it was pumped milk or formula, and this little guy loves to be attached to mommy for all his feedings.  This is a whole new experience for me and we are taking it day by day.  So far he is gaining weight like a champ and at his doctor's appointment this morning he was back up to 7lbs 3oz.

Another big difference is changing boy diapers.. ah! What a difference. Gosh, girl diapers are SOO much easier to me.  Poor guy may or may not have peed all over his face already. Sorry buddy.

Tilly is also doing really well adjusting! She will go over and talk to him and want to touch him randomly, but for the most part she just ignores him. ha She doesn't seem phased there is someone else here and acts like he has always been in our house.  She is definitely not listening well these days, but that started way before he got here. I think we are entering those crazy 3's a bit early.  I am definitely nervous to be alone with the two of them with her behavior some days, but I know we will survive.  Since the flu is so bad here in NC, we were advised to keep him home (except for doctor checkups) until probably April and to limit visitors with anyone who may even be remotely sick to protect him.  Hopefully by the time we can get out and about, I'll be a (semi)pro at this 2 kid thing! haha!

We are just enjoying our time as a family of 4 and soaking in this last week with daddy home.   I'll be back to do his monthly updates to keep his online journal to save the same I did with Tilly!
Thanks for reading along!! :)

And a few I took the other day with a real camera! :)